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Academic presentations and lectures


    第29回日本運動生理学会大会・シンポジウム「運動と脳が織りなす機能連関と身体性」, オンライン開催, 2021年8月20日.

Behavioral and neuroimaging approaches for investigating sensorimotor control using non-invasive methods,

    Workshop 1: Multidisciplinary approaches to quantify sensorimotor control and adaptation of skilled and pathological hand movements,

    International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK 2020), Oral presentation, Virtual conference, July 12, (2020).

Approaches for visualizing motor-control information using non-invasive brain activity recording methods,

    The 4th online zoom lecture, Motor Control Society, Virtual conference, October 8, (2020).

EEG cortical current source estimation for brain-machine interfaces, Brain Simulation Section,

    Charite-Universitatsmedizin, Berlin, Germany: January 16, (2020).

Utility of EEG current sources network signals for neural representation analysis, BrainModes 2019,

    Pokhara, Nepal: December 12, (2019).

Brain-computer interface (Invasive, Non-invasive, EEG), The 1st Brain Network Dynamics

    (BRANDY) summer school, Al Convento, Val di Sole, Italy: June 24, (2019).

Neural decoding using non-invasive brain activity signals (Machine learning, motor control, fMRI),

    The 1st BRANDY summer school, Al Convento, Val di Sole, Italy: June 27, (2019).

Neural representation analysis of motor coordinate frames, MRI workshop, Tokyo, Japan, December 18, (2018).

EEG cortical current source estimation and synergy analysis, The 2nd International Symposium on

    Embodied-Brain Systems Science (EmboSS2018), Osaka, Japan, December 5-6, (2018).

Application of synergy analysis for motion decoding using EEG signals, Santa Lucia Foundation,

    Rome, Italy, January 26, (2018).

Synergy analysis on EEG cortical current and its application to finger movement decoding,

    the Complex Systems Theory Department, Institute of Nuclear Physics - Polish Academy of Science, Krakow, Poland, January 18, (2018).

Brain activity synergy analysis for motion decoding, Yamada Symposium on Neuroimaging of

    Natural Behaviors, Tokyo, Japan, October 3, (2017).

Decoding of motor intention using non-invasive brain activity recording methods and its application,

    Research colloquium at Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Universität Tübingen, Germany, June 14, (2017).

Neural decoding using non-invasive brain activity signals (in Japanese), Collaborative Symposium

    between Dental department of Tohoku University and Tokyo Tech FIRST, Miyagi, Japan, March 9, (2017).

EMG/EEG signal source estimation during finger movements, MoBI Workshop, San Diego, USA, November 22, (2016).

Brain information decoding using EEG and its application for rehabilitation (in Japanese),

    Kanagawa workshop on new frontiers for healthcare, Kanagawa, Japan, October 23, (2016).

Neural representation of wrist motor coordinate frames and their application, ATR Mini Symposium

    on Sensorimotor Control and Robotics, Kyoto, Japan, August 8, (2016).

Brain-machine interfaces based on non-invasive methods (in Japanese), Tokyo Tech-Yokohama city university

    joint workshop on Medical engineering, Kanagawa, Japan, March 17, (2016).

Body reconstruction from brain activity signals, Computational neuroscience workshop on brain, body,

    and mind (in Japanese), Kanazawa, Japan, January 27, (2016).

The possibility of electroencephalography signals towards non-invasive brain-machine interfaces,

    Japan-UK Joint Workshop on Life Science and Biomedical Engineering, London, UK, December 3, (2015).

Past and current research: Neural decoding of detailed information using EEG and fMRI, Center for

    Mind Brain Sciences, Trento, Italy, October 8, (2015).

Cortical neural representation of motor coordinate frames on human (in Japanese), Japan society for

    motor control and neuro-rehabilitation 2014, Kanagawa, Japan, August 23, (2014).

Application of fMRI data for brain-machine interface (in Japanese), VALDES Forum, Tokyo, Japan, October 12, (2011).


Presentations at Professional Meetings

  1. Tellache M.M, Kambara H, Koike Y, Miyakoshi M, Yoshimura N, Towards real-time classification of finger movement direction using electroencephalography independent components, International Conference on Brain-Computer Interfaces and Assistive Technologies, Oral presentation, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, January 28, (2021).

  2. Piovanelli E, Piovesan D, Shirafuji S, Yoshimura N, Ogata Y, Ota J, Muscle activation patterns estimation during repeated wrist movements from MRI and sEMG, The 8th IEEE RAS/EMBS international conference on biomedical robotics and biomechatronics (BioRob 2020), Poster presentation, New York City (virtual conference), US, November 29, (2020).

  3. Hyeonseok K, Yoshimura N, Koike Y, Assessment of event-related potential of independent components for intended direction classification, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Oral presentation, Paper WeBT1.3, Toronto (virtual conference), Canada, October 14, (2020).

  4. Martinez-Tejada LA, Gonzalez AP, Yoshimura N, Koike Y, Videogame design as a elicit tool for emotion recognition experiments, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Oral presentation, Paper WeCT11.5, Toronto (virtual conference), Canada, October 14, (2020).

  5. 丸山 裕恒, 中村 隆斗, 辻 将太, 相庭 和蒔, 孫 偉雄, 伊藤 駿, 水谷 国男, 玄 英麗, 大風 翼, 吉村 奈津江, 風の快適さの脳波相関,第43回日本神経科学大会,オンライン開催,2020年7月31日.

  6. 小澤 勇介, 小池 康晴, 吉村 奈津江, 脳波を用いた知覚にもたらす触覚と視覚の影響の解析,第43回日本神経科学大会,オンライン開催,2020年7月30日.

  7. 中村 隆斗, 丸山 裕恒, 玄 英麗, 水谷 国男, 大風 翼, 吉村 奈津江, 脳波への独立成分分析を用いた暑熱環境下で風を浴びた際の瞬間的な心地良さ評価に関する研究,日本建築学会2020年度大会 学術講演梗概集.

  8. Akashi W, Koike Y, Yoshimura N*, Auditory information decoding from Electroencephalography using neural network, JNNS2019, Poster presentation, Tokyo, Japan, September 5, (2019).

  9. Shi Y, Koike Y, Yoshimura N*, The control of the wheelchair by decoding human movement intention based on prediction error using EEG signals, JNNS2019, Poster presentation, Tokyo, Japan, September 5, (2019).

  10. Kambara H, Miyakoshi M, Tanaka H, Kagawa T, Yoshimura N, Koike Y, Makeig S, Analysis of 3-ball juggling performance and brain dynamics, JNNS2019, Poster presentation, Tokyo, Japan, September 5, (2019).

  11. Okada K, Yoshimura N*, Koike Y, Hand grasping / opening classification using EEG, Neuro 2019, Poster presentation, Niigata, Japan, July 27, (2019).

  12. Saetia S, Yoshimura N, Koike Y, Group representative brain connectivity model of episodic encoding using large fMRI dataset, Joint IMEKO TC1-TC7-TC13-TC18 Symposium 2019, S86 Oral presentation, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 5, (2019).

  13. Okada K, Matsunaga T, Shimada Y, Yoshimura N*, Koike Y, Hand movement reconstruction system using FES and EMG for hemiplegia patients, The 2nd International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (EmboSS2018), Poster presentation, Osaka, Japan, December 5-6, (2018).

  14. Hayashi T, Kambara H, Yoshimura N, Koike Y, Effects of Vibrotactile Stimulations using Condition Based Time Coding for Haptic Information Feedback, The 2nd International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (EmboSS2018), Poster presentation, Osaka, Japan, December 5-6, (2018).

  15. Maruyama Y, Ogata Y, Kambara H, Koike Y, Yoshimura N*, Regression analysis of emotional intensity using electroencephalography, Poster presentation, The 41st Japan Neuroscience Conference, Kobe, July 27th, (2018).

  16. 高瀬雄哉,緒方洋輔,吉村奈津江,小池康晴,加納慎一郎,標準脳モデルを用いた運動野由来の脳波信号源再構成の試み, 電気学会医用・生体工学研究会,3月20日東京大学,電気学会医用・生体工学研究会資料MBE-18-019, (2018).

  17. Umetsu K, Chaudhary U, Malekshahi A, Rana A, Koike Y, Birbaumer N, Yoshimura N*, Yes/No Classification of Completely Locked-In Syndrome (CLIS) Patients Using EEG Cortical Current Based on Standard Brain Model, Poster presentation, The 41st Japan Neuroscience Conference, Kobe, July 26th, (2018).

  18. 神原裕行,宮腰誠,田中宏和,香川高広,吉村奈津江,小池康晴,Scott Makeig,ジャグリング動作中の脳波信号解析, ニューロコンピューティング研究会,12月16日名古屋大学,NC2017-43, pp. 17-22, (2017).

  19. Mejia Tobar A, Hyoudou R, Kita K, Nakamura T, Kambara H, Hanakawa T, Koike Y, and Yoshimura N*, Multi-class decoding of ankle movements using non-invasive brain activity recording methods, Poster presentation, 7th Graz BCI Conference 2017, Graz, Austria, September 18-22, (2017).

  20. Yoshimura N*, Kawase T, Koike Y, Synergy analysis for motor decoding, Oral presentation, Neuroscience 2017, Symposium, Neural basis for spatiotemporal coordination of muscle activity, Chiba, Japan, July 20, (2017).

  21. Kambara H, Yoshimura N, Koike Y, Reaching movement learning model capable for perturbation adaptation (in Japanese), Poster presentation, 29th Symposium on autonomous distributed system, Tokyo, Japan, January 30-31, (2017).

  22. Su B, Shirafuji S, Oya T, Ogata Y, Funato T, Pion-Tonachini L, Makeig S, Yoshimura N, Seki K, and Ota J, Source separation and localization of individual superficial forearm extensor muscles using high-density surface electromyography, Oral presentation, International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science (MHS2016), Nagoya, Japan, November 28 - 30, (2016)

  23. Mejia Tobar A, Hyoudou R, Kita K, Nakamura T, Kambara H, Hanakawa T, Koike Y, and Yoshimura N*, Muscle activity reconstruction of ankle flexors and extensors using non-invasive brain activity recording methods, Poster presentation, Neuroscience 2016, San Diego, USA, November 12-17, (2016)

  24. Nakamura K, Ganesh G, Mejia Tobar A, Saetia S, Yoshimura N, Yoshida E, Ando H, and Koike Y, Evaluating sensory prediction errors: a new technique for decoding movement intention (in Japanese), Poster presentation, 10th Meeting of the Japanese Society for Motor Control, Kanagawa, September 1-3, (2016).

  25. Tomatsu S, Aoki T, Yoshimura N, Uehara K, Hanakawa T, Seki K, Brain activities generating pinching movement with two fingers (in Japanese), Poster presentation, 10th Meeting of the Japanese Society for Motor Control, Kanagawa, September 1-3, (2016).

  26. Saetia S, Yoshimura N, and Koike Y, Human’s episodic learning: Subsequent memory analysis on large fMRI dataset, Neuroscience2016, Oral presentation, Yokohama, July 22, (2016).

  27. Koike Y, Kambara H, and Yoshimura N, Force field adaptation using computational model without trajectory planning, The 2016 Biomechanics and Neural Control of Movement Conference (BANCOM 2016), Poster presentation, Ohio, USA, June 12 - 17, (2016).

  28. Yoshimura N*, Okushita R, Aikawa H, Kambara H, Hanakawa T, and Koike Y, Classifying force level of hand grasping and opening using electroencephalography cortical currents, International Brain-Computer Interface Meeting 2016, Poster presentation, California, USA, May 30 - June 3, (2016).

  29. Mejia Tobar A, Hyoudou R, Kita K, Nakamura T, Kambara H, Hanakawa T, Koike Y, and Yoshimura N*, Electromyographic activity reconstruction of ankle flexors and extensors from estimated cortical currents, Poster presentatioin, The 1st International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (EmboSS 2016), Tokyo, May 8-9, (2016).

  30. Matsumura S, Kawase T, Kimura S, Kashino M, Yoshimura N, Koike Y, Lower-limb muscle synergies during jumping (in Japanese), Poster presentation, The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers SSI2015, General Session GS12-6, Hokkaido, November 19, (2015).

  31. Koga O, Yoshimura N*, Kambara H, and Koike Y, Evaluation of usability for cursor control from electroencephalography, Oral presentation, XXI IMEKO World Congress “Measurement in Research and Industry”, Prague, Czech Republic, August 30 - September 4, (2015).

  32. Mejia Tobar A, Hyoudou R, Kita K, Nakamura T, Kambara H, Hanakawa T, Koike Y, and Yoshimura N*, Muscle activity reconstruction for ankle flexor and extensor, Poster presentation, Neuroscience2015, 3P260, Kobe, July 30, (2015).

  33. Yoshimura N*, Hyoudou R, Kita K, Mejia Tobar A, Nakamura T, Kambara H, Hanakawa T, and Koike Y, Classification of ankle flexion and extension using functional magnetic resonance images, Oral presentation, The 9th ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering (CME 2015), Kyoto-Okayama, Japan, June 18-21, (2015).

  34. Kambara H, Hama N, Kawase T, Yoshimura N, Koike Y, Learnig time-to-contact in ball catching without haptic information, Poster presentation, The 45th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), Chicago, USA, October 17-21, (2015).

  35. Kalanyu Z, Kambara H, Shin D, Yoshimura N, Koike Y, Reversing Weight-Perception in Motion on Slope, Poster presentation, 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Milano, Italy, August 25-29, (2015).

  36. Belkacem AN, Yoshimura N, Shin D, Kambara H, Koike Y, Real-time closed-eye-based communication system using EEG sensors and auditory feedback, Poster presentation, 2015 International Workshop on Clinical Brain Neural-Machine interface Systems (CBMI2015), Tokyo, March 13-15, (2015).

  37. 川瀬利弘,西村温子,西本敦子,里宇文生,神原裕行,吉村奈津江,小池康晴,片麻痺患者のシナジーによる運動解析, ニューロコンピューティング研究会,11月20日東北大,NC2015-38, pp. 13-18, (2015).

  38. 中西康彦,柳澤琢史,辛徳,神原裕行,吉村奈津江,福間良平,貴島晴彦,平田雅之,小池康晴,ヒト大脳皮質のECoG信号による指先の3次元軌道推定, ニューロコンピューティング研究会,3月17日玉川大学,NC2014-102, pp. 195-198, (2015).

  39. 矢嶋真淑,吉村奈津江,神原裕行,小池康晴,初見演奏のためのピアノ学習システムの開発, ニューロコンピューティング研究会,3月17日玉川大学,NC2014-130, pp. 357-360, (2015).

  40. Kambara H, Shimizu H, Shin D, Yoshimura N, Koike Y, A computational model for learning reaching movement in 3-Dimentional Space and in force fields from scratch, Poster presentation, The 44th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), Washigton D.C., USA, November 15-19, (2014).

  41. 神原裕行,小川展夢,辛徳,吉村奈津江,小池康晴,環境の不確実性に応じて変化する最適な手首インピーダンスの考察, ニューロコンピューティング研究会,6月27日沖縄科学技術大学院大学,NC2014-13, pp. 227-232, (2014).

  42. 清水遥,神原裕行,吉村奈津江,辛徳,小池康晴,強化学習とフィードバック誤差学習を用いた力場適応のための到達運動学習モデル, ニューロコンピューティング研究会,6月27日沖縄科学技術大学院大学,NC2014-11, pp. 213-219, (2014).

  43. Okushita R, Yoshimura N, Kambara H, Shin D, Belkacem AN, Koike Y, Hand motion classification using EEG (in Japanese), Oral presentation, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) MBE/NC meeting, IEICE technical report, 114(326), pp.1-6, (2014).

  44. Koga O, Yoshimura N, Belkacem AN, Shin D, Kambara H, Koike Y, Research on quantitation and application of emotion using EEG (in Japanese), Oral presentation, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) MBE/NC meeting, IEICE technical report, 114(326), pp.27-31, (2014).

  45. Hama N, Kambara H, Yoshimura N, Shin D, Koike Y, Acceleration learning mechanism for catching a falling object (in Japanese), Oral presentation, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) MBE/NC meeting, IEICE technical report, 114(326), pp.91-96, (2014).

  46. Yoshimura N, Nishimoto A, Belkacem AN, Kambara H, Shin D, Hanakawa T, and Koike Y, Poster presentation, Parameter tuning of EEG cortical currents for vowel imagery decoding, Neuroscience2014, P3-364, Yokohama, Sep. (2014).

  47. Shin D, Watanabe H, Nakanishi Y, Kambara H, Yoshimura N, Nambu A, Isa T, Nishimura Y, and Koike Y, Poster presentation, Control of an arm robot using decoded muscle activities from electrocorticograms, XX congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, Rome, Italy, July 15-18, (2014).

  48. Kambara H, Shin D, Yoshimura N, and Koike Y, A motor control-learning model for reaching movement in 3-dimentional space, Poster presentation, XX congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, Rome, Italy, July 15-18, (2014).

  49. Tsukamoto M, Kaneoya T, Mano W, Kambara H, Yoshimura N, Koike Y, Identity authentication based on musculoskeletal model (in Japanese), Oral presentation, IEICE General Conference 2014, Niigata, Japan, March 18-21, (2014).

  50. Nishimoto A, Yoshimura N*, Belkacem AN, Jimura K, Shin D, Kambara H, Hanakawa T, and Koike Y, Classifying speech imagery of Japanese vowels using EEG cortical currents (in Japanese), Poster presentation, Conference on Systems Neuroscience and Rehabilitation (SNR2014), Saitama, March 12-13 (2014).

  51. Ogawa H, Kambara H, Shin D, Yoshimura N, and Koike Y, Effect of uncertainty in weight prediction on wrist impedance (in Japanese), Poster presentation, Conference on Systems Neuroscience and Rehabilitation (SNR2014), Saitama, March 12-13 (2014).

  52. Nishimoto A, Yoshimura N*, Jimura K, Kambara H, Shin D, Hanakawa T, and Koike Y, Speech classification using brain activity signals (in Japanese), Oral presentation, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) MBE/NC meeting, IEICE technical report, 113(223), pp.41-46, September 24-25, (2013).

  53. Yamaguchi K, Kambara H, Shin D, Yoshimura N, Koike Y, Development of water-proof active electrodes for electromyogram acquisition (in Japanese), Oral presentation, 14th Japanese society of electrophysiology and kinesiology (JSEK), July (2013).

  54. Kambara H, Shin D, Kawase T, Yoshimura N, and Koike Y, Illusion of weight perception caused by temporal mismatch, Oral presentation, 5th International Symposium on Measurement, Analysis and Modelling of Human Functions (ISHF2013), Vancouver, Canada, June 27-29 (2013).

  55. Shin D, Chen C, Nakanishi Y, Kambara H, Yoshimura N, Watanabe H, Nambu A, Isa T,  Nishimura Y, and Koike Y, Oral presentation, Prediction of joint angle from muscle activities decoded from electrocorticograms, 5th International Symposium on Measurement, Analysis and Modelling of Human Functions (ISHF2013), Vancouver, Canada, June 27-29 (2013).

  56. Nakanishi Y, Yanagisawa T, Shin D, Chen C, Kambara H, Yoshimura N, Hirata M, Yoshimine T, and Koike Y, Prediction of arm 3d-trajectory from human electrocorticograms, Oral presentation, 5th International Symposium on Measurement, Analysis and Modelling of Human Functions (ISHF2013), Vancouver, Canada, June 27-29 (2013).

  57. Tsukamoto M, Kambara H, Yoshimura N, and Koike Y, The verification method using skeletal model, Oral presentation, 5th International Symposium on Measurement, Analysis and Modelling of Human Functions (ISHF2013), Vancouver, Canada, June 27-29 (2013).

  58. Yoshimura N*, DaSalla CS, Jimura K, Hanakawa T, Koike Y, Neural representation of internal and external coordination in human wrist voluntary movements revealed by functional MRI, Poster presentation, Neuro 2013, P1-1-84, Kyoto, June 20-23 (2013).

  59. Chen C, Shin D, Nakanishi Y, Kambara H, Yoshimura N, Watanabe H, Nambu A, Isa T, Nishimura Y, and Koike Y, Decoding of arm movement from electrocorticogram in primary motor cortex, Poster presentation, Neuro 2013, P1-1-240, Kyoto, June 20-23 (2013).

  60. Ogawa H, Kawase T, Kambara H, Shin D, Yoshimura N, Koike Y, A study of efferent signal’s influence on weight perception, Poster presentation, Neuro 2013, P2-1-118, Kyoto, June 20-23 (2013)

  61. Shin D, Nakanishi Y, Chen C, Kambara H, Yoshimura N, Watanabe H, Nambu A, Isa T, Nishimura Y, and Koike Y, Prediction of joint angle from decoded muscle activities from electrocorticograms in primary motor cortex, Poster presentation, Neuro 2013, P2-2-253, Kyoto, June 20-23 (2013).

  62. Shin D, Watanabe H, Kambara H, Yoshimura N, Nambu A, Isa T, Nishimura Y, and Koike Y, Decoding muscle activities from electrocorticogram in primary motor cortex, Conference on Systems Neuroscience and Rehabilitation (SNR 2013), Poster presentation, Saitama, March 13-14 (2013).

  63. Belkacem AN, Hirose H, Sato M, Yoshimura N, and Koike Y, Estimation of four eye-directions from EEG signals, Poster presentation, SfN2012, New Orleans, USA, Oct 16, (2012).

  64. Yoshimura N*, DaSalla CS, Kawase T, Kambara H, Hanakawa T, Sato M, and Koike Y, Controlling a robot using muscle activity signals reconstructed from electroencephalography cortical currents, Poster presentation, SfN2012, New Orleans, USA, Oct 16, (2012).

  65. Yoshimura N*, DaSalla CS, Kawase T, Kambara H, Shin D, Hanakawa T, Sato M, and Koike Y, Controlling a robot using EEG cortical currents, Poster presentation, Neuroscience2012, O4-H-65-1, Nagoya, Japan, September 18-21, (2012).

  66. Ogawa H, Kambara H, Yoshimura N, Koike Y, Discussion on the effect of weight prediction to motor control, (in Japanese), Oral presentation, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) MBE meeting, IEICE technical report, 112(220), pp.25-30, Nagano, Japan, September, (2012).

  67. Kalanyu Z, Kambara H, Yoshimura N, Koike Y, Advanced Security System by Sensing Muscle Activation, The 9th Int’l Conf. Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks, London, UK, May, (2012).

  68. Yoshimura N*, DaSalla CS, Hanakawa T, Sato M, Koike Y, Reconstructing muscle activity signals using EEG cortical current estimation (in Japanese), Oral presentation, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) NC meeting, IEICE technical report, 111(315), pp.35-40, Miyagi, Japan, September, (2011).

  69. Yoshimura N*, DaSalla CS, Satsuma A, Hanakawa T, Sato M, Koike Y, Classifying vowel speech imagery using EEG cortical currents, Poster presentation, Neuroscience2011, P2-t17, Yokohama, September (2011).

  70. Yoshimura N*, DaSalla CS, Satsuma A, Hanakawa T, Sato M, Koike Y, Usability of EEG Cortical Currents in Classification of Vowel Speech Imagery, Poster presentation, International Conference on Virtual Rehab 2011, Zurich, June (2011).

  71. Yoshimura N*, Omata K., DaSalla CS, Hanakawa T, Sato M, Koike Y, Effectiveness of sparse linear regression for reconstructing muscle activity from EEG current sources, Neuro2010, Neurosci Res, vol. 68, suppl. 1, p. e328, Sep. (2010).

  72. Yoshimura N*, Omata K, DaSalla CS, Hanakawa T, Sato M, and Koike Y, Effectiveness of sparse linear regression for reconstructing muscle activity from EEG current sources, Poster presentation, Joint Conference of The 33rd annual meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, The 53rd annual meeting of Japanese Society for Neurochemistry, and The 20th annual meeting of Japanese Neural Network Society (Neuro2010), P2-r05, Kobe, Japan, September 3, (2010).

  73. Tamura T, Horiuchi D, Chen YC, Sone M, Miyashita T, Saitoe M, Yoshimura N, Chiang AS, Okazawa H,dPQBP1 is involved in a memory trace at projection neurons, Poster presentation, Joint Conference of The 33rd annual meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, The 53rd annual meeting of Japanese Society for Neurochemistry, and The 20th annual meeting of Japanese Neural Network Society (Neuro2010), P1-m23, Kobe, Japan, September 2, (2010).

  74. Ahi ST, Yoshimura N, Kambara H, Koike Y, Utilizing Fuzzy-SVM and a Subject Database to Reduce the Calibration Time of P300-Based BCI, Oral presentation, 17th International Conference on Neural Information Processing 2010 (ICONIP 2010), Part II, LNCS 6444, pp.1-8, Sydney, Australia, November (2010).

  75. Yoshimura N*, Omata K, DaSalla CS, Hanakawa T, Sato M, and Koike Y, Sparse Linear Regression for Reconstructing EMG from EEG Current Sources Estimated Using Variational Bayes, Oral presentation, The fourth International Symposium on Human Functions (ISHF2010), pp.34-39, Prague, Czech Republic, June (2010).

  76. Ito H, Yoshimura N, Kurosawa M, Ishii S, Nukina N, Okazawa H, Knock-down of PQBP1 impairs anxiety-related cognition in mouse (in Japanese), Poster presentation, 32th meeting of the molecular biology society of Japan, p520,4P-0687,Kanagawa, Japan, December 12, (2009).

  77. Yoshimura N*, Itakura N, Comparison of transient VEP depending on interface designs of non-directly-gazed brain-computer interface (in Japanese), Oral presentation, 59th Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology, vol.13 special issue (2), pp.36-37, Tokyo, Japan, October 19, (2008).

  78. Yoshimura N*, Itakura N, Application of transient visual evoked potentials (in Japanese), Oral presentation, 57th Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology, vol.12 special issue (2), pp.48-49, Fukuoka, Japan, October 20, (2007).

  79. Yoshimura N, Miyashita T, Saitoe M, Okazawa H, Learning ability of PQBP1 transgenic flies (in Japanese), Poster presentation, The 28th annual meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, p.218, P3-259, Kanagawa, Japan, July 28, (2005).

  80. Marubuchi S, Okuda T, Hoshino M, Yoshimura N, Nakagawa M, Okazawa H, Hepatoma-derived growth factor (HDGF) plays a role as protection factor against motor neuron degeneration in PQBP1 transgenic mouse (in Japanese), Poster presentation, The 28th annual meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, p.218, P1-250, Kanagawa, Japan, July 28, (2005).

  81. Yoshimura N, Miyashita T, Saitoe M, Okazawa H, Learning function of human PQBP1 transgenic flies (in Japanese), Poster presentation, The 46th general meeting of Japanese Society of Neurology, PF-113, Kagoshima, Japan, May 25, (2005).

  82. Momiyama N (maiden family name), Iura S, Otsuka Y, and Matsuura M, Crystal structure of TiN films by Ion Beam Dynamic Mixing Method, The fifth International Symposium on Sputtering & Plasma Processes (ISSP’99), No.EI 2-2, pp.11-12, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, June (1999).

  83. Momiyama N, Nagai K, Iura S, Otsuka Y, and Matsuura M, Crystal structure of TiN films by Ion Beam Dynamic Mixing Method (in Japanese), The 59th Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP) Autumn Meeting 1998, 59(2), p.517, Hiroshima, Japan, September 15, (1998).

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